Friday, May 30, 2008
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
"Former press secretary's book bashes Bush"
Monday, May 26, 2008
Shiner trip
Shiner is about a 1.5 hour drive southeast (towards Houston). We seldom go in that direction. We usually head west to the hill country. 1 hour east of Austin is starkly different than 1 hour west of Austin. Here we saw lush green flat farmland (not that different from Wisconsin or MO). To the west, the desert/hill country begins. It is hilly, brown and desolate.
We saw some real live Texas longhorns on the drive in. The beef sighting made us hungry so we decided to stop in Lockhart Tx (the capitol of Texas BBQ) for lunch. In Lockhart there are 4 world famous BBQ joints to chose from. Smitty's, Chisholm Trail, Black's (the oldest run family bbq in Tx), and Kreuz Barbeque (since 1900). There is some contention as to which is the best as you might imagine... We didnt know which to go to so we just flipped a coin and landed on Smitty's.

You walk in the backdoor at Smitty's, and it is like an oven. Right next to the ordering line is the wood fire spewing into the hallway. By shoving the wood in or pulling it out they adjust the temperature of the pits. They have one HUGE chopping block where all the meat is cut. The chopping block is basically dripping with meat juice. It is simultaneously mouthwatering and revolting.

We ordered brisket (of course). It is the true measure of how good a bbq place is. On top of that we got some beef ribs and sausage links. The brisket was good..maybe even exceptional, but not Coopers good... Coopers remains unsurpassed.

After that we took off to Shiner to visit the brewery (actually we had to stop at Walgreen's for some dental floss first).
Shiner is a very small town, the brewery basically runs the town, it is the biggest employer etc.

Here we are hanging out outside the gift shop waiting for the tour to begin. You get about 2 pints of free shiner when you visit. Whoo hoo!!
The gift shop/beer garden was great! We had a lot of fun while waiting. Roxanne was embarrassed as I couldn't keep my hands off this pretty little number...
Here is cowgirl Roxanne getting ready to mosey on over to the brew house for a tour. .......

Happy Memorial day!
Sunday, May 25, 2008

Thursday, May 22, 2008
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
It finally happened...
Monday, May 19, 2008
Saturday, May 17, 2008

Louie enjoyed swimming as you can see from the video, although as usual he swallowed some water, and You can hear him loudly exhaling to try to get rid of it.
After that we dropped Louie off and headed down to the campus area for some food. We went to Trudy's for tex-mex (tex mex is hard to avoid around Austin). I had a brisket Taco, Dave had Talapia Tacos, and Roxanne got a smoked chicken chimmie.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Monday, May 12, 2008
A trip to Phila-balti-delphia-more
On Thursday,we shipped off to Baltimore to visit my old college buddies Josh and Brian

Next we walked to Baltimore harbor. On the way there we walked by Camden yard. Below we are standing next to Cal Ripkin Jr.'s gravestone.

Here is Brian and I on the harbor. THe USS constellation is behind us.

After the night out Russ and Roxanne play some paper rock scissors, It looks like Russ got her this time, I am sure it comes from all the practice.

Check out this pair of Diana Ross impersonators we saw...
After Bob and Barbara's we retired to a Belgian bar and enjoyed some Trappists brews. We saw off our friends Josh and Brian that night as they had to get back to their respective dogs...
On Sunday we did more fun touristy stuff like getting our picture taken at the famous LOVE statue...

At the Art museum, I pulled a Rocky and ran up the stairs in triumph!!

We saw about 10 other people do the same thing in about a 2 minute span of time. I love how the stairs to the art museum is a bigger attraction than the actual art museum. We then headed down to ye ole liberty bell. Rachel pointed out that the brochures are quick to tell you that it is a gap and not a crack in the bell... it started out as a crack though...