Happy 2009!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Happy 2009!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We just got back from a great visit to El Paso to see Dave, Peggy & Family... Enjoy the video!!
Karl Rove is to "name names"
From cnn political blog:
The man widely credited with Bush's two presidential victories says his new book will include an accounting of those in Washington who never accepted the president as a legitimate commander-in-chief.
"I've got behind-the-scenes episodes that are going to show how unreceiving they were of this man as president of the United States," Rove told Cox News in an interview published Sunday. "I'm going to name names and show examples."
Could you feel that?... It was the collective fear of Bush opposers in Washington shuddering at the thought of themselves being outed as being "unreceiving" to the least popular president in history... Ooooooh, I bet they are shaking in their boots!!! Please, please, please name these names Karl; I would like to send money to them. Also you can include my name on that list.