our good girl spent about 11 hrs in this position today! She did SOOOO good as we knew she would... DVD player and youtube helped too We are chilling with the characters in our sister blog Chris, Gabby and Maggie!
Evie loved playing with Maggie and tried not to be too possessive of her awesome toys..
No one likes boxes more than cats and kids... Here are a few of Evie's new fav things... Spongebob (she mostly likes the theme song) and dressing up in coat, hat, and gloves, for no particular reason..
She would only wear the hat for like 2 seconds... luckily I snapped these pics during that time.
"Hmmm... What Christmas mischief can I make?
Lastly, here is Evie sitting in her princess chair... I love this pic sooo much, she is so beautiful.
we celebrated our Christmas morning today. Last night we excitedly put together her rocking motorcycle/tricycle...it converts into a push along tricycle, then a tricycle when she's old enough. Anyway, she was really excited about it in the store, so we thought she'd see it and be overjoyed.....
Well, I think instead of being overjoyed, she was a little overwhelmed. here's the first impression video:
So, instead we had breakfast and took a little break from the whole thing. Afterward, jack and I exchanged gifts in order to see if she'd get curious and join us. Not really surprisingly enough. Eventually we coaxed her over to open some of her gifts....
here she is opening her books. She really liked the Dear Zoo book and Baby Danced the Polka. She also really enjoyed her ZuZu pet while it was just squeaking and making noise...but as soon as we put it on the table to roll around she got scared of it.
So, we tried to introduce her to the rocking motocycle again. This time she seemed to like it......
as you can see, if we show her the ZuZu pet again she gets scared. woops.
At the end of the video she is requesting her broom. She must have her broom most of the time. Reminds me of a picture my mom took of me when I was 3 or so, watching Mickey Mouse Club with my hat on and broom in my hand. Like mother like daughter. Funny.
In other news - Jack got me a nice 14-piece Rachel Ray ORANGE pots and pans set. I've been wanting one of these for a long time now so very excited to get it.
So, "how we feeling about this 14-piece set?" Pretty good, Uncle Rico, pretty good.