We went to California to visit our friends this past weekend. We have so many pictures that they will last one year of "a picture a day" blog if we wanted to do that. We wined, dined, hiked and beached....... but most of all we had a LOT of fun with our ex-wisconsin compatriots. Expect more vignettes from the weekend soon...
I had a feeling we were going to come in last in the blogging race. I got my priorities all twisted around and spent yesterday packing. I'm feeling a lot of blog related shame. Maybe we can still muster some type of "last is best, first is worst" scenario.
he he -
Actually I was getting the distinct impression you had let us win :)
Hope packing went well - I am sincerely and without a doubt sorry I couldn't stay in Santa Cruz to help :) Rx
There is no room for second place. There is only one place in my game and that is first place. I have finished second twice in my time at Green Bay and I never want to finish second again.
Vince Lombardi
It is surely a shame that blogging did not supercede packing!
have a safe (and fun!) trip back to Madison!
F and E
I'd like to see more Vince Lombardi quotes in blog comments. It really adds and authority to them.
Packing is going alright.
well, I have to say, your blogging was far more substantial than mine...I've been too absorbed in the wonders of Cincinnati to publish more.
I really enjoyed the visit, thanks for coming out, hope to see you soon again.
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