On with the Phoenix trip.
My friend from vet school, Gretchen, picked me up from the airport. I haven't seen her for over 3 years (since graduation) but we've been keeping in touch via Myspace. It was great to see her again. First thing we did was head to the Phoenix Zoo (the conference wasn't until the next day - don't worry, I wasn't skipping class....that comes later).

Here we are in a Meerkat observation cave.

We weren't sure what was up with this dude, but were fairly certain this is an abnormal growth on its chin....
Had to get this picture with some really big long horns!
Then we killed Thursday at the conference. Thurs night they had a nice dinner reception for us and we found Cathy, amongst other vet school friends, and sat down to catch up. We spent hours telling job stories - sometimes hilarious, other times horrifying...
My new favorite phrase, which I have to get started using, came from Cathy that night....."Shut the Front door!"...instead of shut the f**k up. Apparently some language curbing has had to be done in the recent past. HA!
Friday afternoon we skipped class - naughty naughty - and went to see the Taliesin West, Frank Lloyd Wright's winter home in Arizona. It was pretty cool but the tour guide was rather long-winded and loved to repeat herself. She also was pretty apparently IN love with Mr. Wright. She kept saying things like "he designs"...wrong tense, yeah? I THINK she new he'd passed away - she did mention it. Among other things she mentioned that it was his "desert masterpiece" a few times, that he "never paid his bills" and that pretty much everything from aerial photos to football stadium seating, to countertops, could be attributed to FL Wright's designs. May be a little exaggeration? Hmm, perhaps? 

I had a great time on the trip - went to see good talks during the day and catching up with friends at night.
I miss you guys!!
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