Now that the bailout passed and Dow leaped back to 12000 and all America's problems are solved, I can get back to blogging about fun times... such as the ones had this weekend when Emily and Casey visited. Here we are carving pumpkins. We got some nice ones from a local farm family

Here is how they turned out. This year we used templates form a kit. Rx made Mr. Meowkins, I made the full frontal bat, Emily did the spider and Casey made the flying bat.

After carvin pumpkins, we enjoyed a little smore/fire pit action in the backyard.

After the fire, we played a little Cataan. Prissy enjoyed almost breaking the box with her fattness.

More of the weekends activity will be posted soon
why am I drinking in every picture?
honey, you obviously have a problem!
I noticed that! You're just a regular Joe Six-Pack!
Those jack-o-lanterns are impressive! I love them. Nice work! Mom - at the Missouri pumpkin patch.
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