What the hell is this thing?

Thanks to Jlo for bringing
this to my attention! How Awesome! When i saw this I automatically thought of Quato from Total Recall.

Or Alia from Dune..

Another one that came to mind was the famous scene from Alien when this thing popped out of a guy's chest.

The Snuggie just got outdone by the Peekaru!! I am getting one today!!
dear jack and roxanne,
please check out the sweet dad gear at the following link below. if you have 20 seconds, i would highly recommend the "demo video" in the upper left hand corner of the page. i imagine you will want to invest in the high quality daddy diaper vest, which will fit nicely around the peekaru, but is slim enough to fit comfortably under your snuggie.
Wow! I'm actually impressed by the daddy gear. I think I know what Jack is getting for his birthday!!!
The old me, looked at that video and laughed, the new me looked at that video and thought, hey that looks stylish and practical... WHAT HAVE I BECOME!?!?!
Alia. LOL.
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