Stardate July 16, 2009
9) Sickness
On Sunday Jack got up with E.V. and took her to the nursery to change her diaper. Suddenly I hear Jack shouting..."Roxanne, get in here! There's something wrong with her eye! Roxanne!!" I rush in. She had some discharge from her eye and it literally crusted her eye shut. she couldn't open it. Jack was pretty freaked out. But I've seen this sort of thing before! It's exactly like when a kitten gets an upper respiratory infection, so I soaked it off gently with a warm water gauze. Poor girl.....but at least she was calm. poor daddy...he was not.
I took her to the doctor. See, she'd had this cough for about 3 weeks and, when we took her in last time they just talked about saline nasal flushes, steamy rooms occasionally, inclined sleeping, etc. I decided to take her in because of the eye discharge, but also she had an episode where she coughed so hard that she vomited. *sigh* I felt really bad.
Anyway, doc finally put her on systemic antibiotics and eye ointment antibiotics. Thank god. She felt better by the next morning. still coughing, but it's improving. No more eye discharge at all.

10) Hot hot errands:
So, we've had heat indices in the hundreds since June. Running errands with a baby already adds a whole new level of complication that I hadn't thought about. But the heat really throws a wrench in the works.
First of all - don't forget the diaper bag. I've done this too many times, and did so today of course :) I've taken to keeping some extra diapers in the car, but realized today that I should probably keep wipes in the car too.....hmmm, ahhh, duh.
The things I have to think about for running errands:
what direction is the sun facing? How do I orient the car seat/stroller so that the sun isn't in her eyes as we walk into the store?
where can i park that is close to the store, possibly in the shade? h aha ha ha hah a - that's my response in austin
and something i never thought about - i now try my best to park near a cart that when I get back OUT of the store, I can put the baby back and not have to walk more than 2 car lengths to put the cart away. 1) I don't want anyone stealing my baby, but that's easily solved with locking the car.....and 2) don't want to BAKE the baby. That's not as easily solved when it's this hot.
So, this is how I handle these dilemmas:
1) occasionally I have to walk the stroller backwards so that Evie's face isn't in the sun.
2) first thing I do is start the car and crank the AC
3) open all the windows to air out the car - this is pretty pointless on day's like today, BTW
4) put the groceries in the car
5) THEN put the baby in the car.
6) The cart sometimes goes into the nearest grassy knoll - something I used to think was rude and still feel bad about. Often times I'll grab a random cart on the way in and then replace it into same abandoned spot .... then I feel less bad.
today was a lot of fun....she pooped so big it came out the front and the back of her diaper. awesome. I went to take off her onsie and found she had gotten poo up on her chest as well as her back. Our friend, Gabby, has coined these types of pooplosions a "Poonami"...aptly named. So it was bath time.
One thing you up-and-coming moms will learn is that breastfed babies (well, that's my experience so I won't speak to formula fed babes k?) poop like a relatively odorless, yellow green poo that's almost water. I have no idea if EV has had diarrhea always looks like that. doc says it's normal. They say it's supposed to look like mustard and have the consistency of cottage cheese.
JayZ said it best....
"Big poopin', cottage cheese...
big poopin', mustard seeds"
Anyway, once they're old enough to eat solids that changes. EV has started eating some rice cereal recently and doing well. Last night I added some applesauce baby food. she liked it too. Well, her poopies have started changing :(
Ah, my baby is growin' up
Hope you enjoyed this installment of the life and times of mama Roxanne....
later gators!!
9) Sickness
On Sunday Jack got up with E.V. and took her to the nursery to change her diaper. Suddenly I hear Jack shouting..."Roxanne, get in here! There's something wrong with her eye! Roxanne!!" I rush in. She had some discharge from her eye and it literally crusted her eye shut. she couldn't open it. Jack was pretty freaked out. But I've seen this sort of thing before! It's exactly like when a kitten gets an upper respiratory infection, so I soaked it off gently with a warm water gauze. Poor girl.....but at least she was calm. poor daddy...he was not.
I took her to the doctor. See, she'd had this cough for about 3 weeks and, when we took her in last time they just talked about saline nasal flushes, steamy rooms occasionally, inclined sleeping, etc. I decided to take her in because of the eye discharge, but also she had an episode where she coughed so hard that she vomited. *sigh* I felt really bad.
Anyway, doc finally put her on systemic antibiotics and eye ointment antibiotics. Thank god. She felt better by the next morning. still coughing, but it's improving. No more eye discharge at all.

10) Hot hot errands:
So, we've had heat indices in the hundreds since June. Running errands with a baby already adds a whole new level of complication that I hadn't thought about. But the heat really throws a wrench in the works.
First of all - don't forget the diaper bag. I've done this too many times, and did so today of course :) I've taken to keeping some extra diapers in the car, but realized today that I should probably keep wipes in the car too.....hmmm, ahhh, duh.
The things I have to think about for running errands:
what direction is the sun facing? How do I orient the car seat/stroller so that the sun isn't in her eyes as we walk into the store?
where can i park that is close to the store, possibly in the shade? h aha ha ha hah a - that's my response in austin
and something i never thought about - i now try my best to park near a cart that when I get back OUT of the store, I can put the baby back and not have to walk more than 2 car lengths to put the cart away. 1) I don't want anyone stealing my baby, but that's easily solved with locking the car.....and 2) don't want to BAKE the baby. That's not as easily solved when it's this hot.
So, this is how I handle these dilemmas:
1) occasionally I have to walk the stroller backwards so that Evie's face isn't in the sun.
2) first thing I do is start the car and crank the AC
3) open all the windows to air out the car - this is pretty pointless on day's like today, BTW
4) put the groceries in the car
5) THEN put the baby in the car.
6) The cart sometimes goes into the nearest grassy knoll - something I used to think was rude and still feel bad about. Often times I'll grab a random cart on the way in and then replace it into same abandoned spot .... then I feel less bad.

today was a lot of fun....she pooped so big it came out the front and the back of her diaper. awesome. I went to take off her onsie and found she had gotten poo up on her chest as well as her back. Our friend, Gabby, has coined these types of pooplosions a "Poonami"...aptly named. So it was bath time.
One thing you up-and-coming moms will learn is that breastfed babies (well, that's my experience so I won't speak to formula fed babes k?) poop like a relatively odorless, yellow green poo that's almost water. I have no idea if EV has had diarrhea always looks like that. doc says it's normal. They say it's supposed to look like mustard and have the consistency of cottage cheese.
JayZ said it best....
"Big poopin', cottage cheese...
big poopin', mustard seeds"
Anyway, once they're old enough to eat solids that changes. EV has started eating some rice cereal recently and doing well. Last night I added some applesauce baby food. she liked it too. Well, her poopies have started changing :(
Ah, my baby is growin' up
Hope you enjoyed this installment of the life and times of mama Roxanne....
later gators!!
Here are some additional pics I thought were cute:
here she is with her knit red hat on that Bonnie sent ....I thought it was sooo cute! Unfortunately, not needing it any time soon. But we'll be sure to have it along when we are in Wisconsin or St. Louis in winter!

here she is with her sunblock on....I have to put it all over her head of course. I thought she looked pretty funny.
And, she has been standing a lot lately. Isn't interested in rolling over or crawling, but very interested in standing every time she has the chance.
1 comment:
We've learned lots about the adventures of life with baby. Thanks for the mother's log advice. It looks like the crew is keepin' it cool and chill with those fly pool parties.
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