Monday, July 26, 2010

Maryland Crickets

These are the ugliest crickets I've ever seen! And I used to work with crickets....well, I did research on chameleons and we had to feed them live crickets, so I had to handle them - gross. Anyway, these Maryland crickets are like none I've seen before. They have a big round spider body and huge crazy legs. The big ones measure about an inch and a half.

They're known as "camel crickets", "spider crickets", or "greenhouse stone crickets". I just call em big and ugly bugs, squish them in a paper towel, and flush them down the toilet.

I found some more information on these while I was looking for these images. Apparently these bastards can live over a year. They have barbs on their legs that allow them to hang onto walls. That's actually where I found one this morning. I had to crush it's hard nasty exoskeleton in a tissue. Also, another blogger says they just hang out there, lying in wait on the wall, until they jump out at you!....and have the ability to bite when they're big enough. I don't know about that...I'll kill em before they can bite me I think.
The kitties like them, however. Bunny was tormenting one downstairs, one leg amputation at a time, before killing it. She looks innocent enough, but she's a ferocious beast!


Kate said...

My god. Those are the most horrible, disgusting crickets ever. It makes my skin crawl off just thinking about them.

Gabby and Chris said...

Hmm...wonder what kind of bugs they have up in Illinois???? The good thing is that you have not caught Evie trying to eat any...yet :)