This past weekend we went to Tennessee to visit L&D, and M of course! We had a small celebration for Evie's 2nd birthday. Yummy cake was et and many presents opened.

Evie got some great presents this year, none less awesome than Jean Diapers!

MMMMmmmmmmmmmmmm cake!!

Somebody is tuckered out on her birthday!!

Big panoramic of stitch of the Smoky Mountains..

Who pooped on the North Carolina/Tenn Border? Park authorities would like to have a word with you.

L & D & M on top of the Matterhorn.. what is M looking at?


Here is little Yoda on my back.. "Eat a banana I will."
A Sponge Bob bubble blower was one of her many presents, and she enjoyed it very much.
"Eat a banana I will" made me lol. Looks like you guys had a great trip. :) Happy Birthday to Evie!!!
don'tcha hate it when you always got a monkey on your back?
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