But I am okay.
I went to Cali by myself for some visiting and a protein engineering conf in San Fran. Here I am in Bodega Bay.. We had a great time camping there! The 40 mph winds were the only drawback, everything else was perfect. The next day we ate about a gazillion oysters from Tomales Bay (below).

They were shuck-your-own oysters... we had a hard time until Dipa finally told us the correct way to do it, then it was all down hill from there. I even got a tiny pearl in one!
The worst thing about the trip was the 7 hr delay by United... I have decided to make a conscious effort to NEVER FLY UNITED AGAIN!!!
But I digress... Here are my San Francisco pics...
Pier 39.. most of the Sea Lions are gone
Here is Lombard Street aka Crooked Street..
obligatory trolley...

Some bridge we crossed...

Here I am at Ghirardelli Square.. I bought some chocolates for my beautiful wife and took a pic of Alcatraz and you can see a boat down the Hyde Street pier (the air it stunk of fish and beer).

Grace Cathedral ... All wrapped in bones of setting sun, all dust and stone and moribund... I paid twenty five cents to light a little white candle...

After that, I got a little hungry, so I went to get a hot dog.
It was utterly beautiful inside... spectacular... I wanted to walk the maze, but had to get back to the conference...
Any Californians (past or present) know what flower this is? it is also beautiful..
SF was great, but after 6 days I was excited to get back to the fam. It seems like Evie changed noticeably in the 6 days I was gone, I really can tell she is putting sentences together now, and asking questions, and being just plain smart... No more Father's Days away from the family for me!
But I digress... Here are my San Francisco pics...

obligatory trolley...

Some bridge we crossed...

Here I am at Ghirardelli Square.. I bought some chocolates for my beautiful wife and took a pic of Alcatraz and you can see a boat down the Hyde Street pier (the air it stunk of fish and beer).

After that, I got a little hungry, so I went to get a hot dog.

Any Californians (past or present) know what flower this is? it is also beautiful..

I would like the thank the California crew of friends for a wonderful weekend also, I feel very blessed indeed to have such great friends and a wonderful family to come home too.
I'm glad you're okay. Looks like an awesome trip.
Callistemon, or bottlebrush. Total hummingbird bait. Looks like a great trip!
thanks for the ID Marta.
thanks for visiting us, we had a great time (thanks to Evie for lending us her dad on Father's day)! I think it will be awhile before I eat oysters again, though.
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