This is one of the biggest protein crystals I have grown; it was ~2mm long.
I totally got you guys!!!
Louie Loves sand and water... sand seems to be the perfect medium for one of his favorite activities: hiking things between his legs. He was doing this for about 15 minutes, but here is a short clip. He likes to do this in shallow water also.
Yeah!! and Horses and Zebras look alike am I supposed to believe they evolved too? Also, mice and rats look alike!! There are similarities between chickens and ducks am I supposed to believe they evolved as well? Wait I am seeing a pattern here.... never mind, I just answered my own question.
Apparently I wasn't there the day that Darwin came and this person met him and assessed whether he was nice or not. I wish I could have been there to see him myself. That has a lot to do with whether his theory has merit by the way.
Unisex bathrooms!!! All part of the secularist plot to unhinge morality!!! It has nothing to do with the fact that the exhibit is basically in an attic and space is very limiting... It is all part of secular atheists plan to convert everyone to primal beasts knowing only lust and hedonism!!!! Oh the depths of depravity I conjure as I pee in a toilet knowing full well that a woman may once have peed there also!!! I can hardly hold back my urge to plunder and defile all I come into contact with as I wash my hands in a sink that may well hold girl germs. I stare into a mirror that a woman may have also looked into and ALL I SEE IS RED!!! WHAT IS HAPPENING TO ME!!??!!
I wish I could ask this lady if she has a unisex bathroom at home and if so how can she live with herself!?!?!?!
I have no response to this. Your steel blade of logic stabs me to the core!!!! If we came from monkies then why indeed is there still monkeys?
This person got it right on. I totally agree with this statement, "Evolution DOES NOT state we came from chips." In fact we may not have evolved from salty snacks at all. Resent fossils have been unearthed that show indisputably that man evolved from dried meat snacks. The common ancestor between us and jerky snacks lived 100,000,000 years ago. This creature resembled our slim jims of today, but were much larger, with rudimentary arms, fins, and spices. Salty snacks and the ancestors of what we now call "Funions" broke off much earlier in the evolutionary tree.
It should be noted that this person is one of the few "pro evolution" commenters I saw, but nevertheless still prone to hilarious misspellings.
2 posts on this page claim that creationism should get "equal time" in the museum's exhibit. I think that is fair. Also, Art should get equal time in Social Studies and P.E. should get equal time in Home Ec class. Lets be fair here... a crazy homeless man outside has a different opinion about how the fossils on the first floor were made, lets hear what he has to say and give it equal credence.
I like to think that these people are a vocal ignorant minority, but there is evidence for the contrary. Texas seems to be a Mecca for creationists. Evidently some moved here to attempt to attain accreditation to give out "Masters of Science" degrees in the state. The sheer irony of the title of the degree they should supposedly be able to bestow almost doubled me over. Unfortunately this is not a joke. In April, the state's higher education board will decide whether to allow them to become accredited. It is interesting to note that they initially (quietly) recommended them for approval, and it may have gone through until some actual scientists heard about it and sent some letters. I sure hope these nutcases are not further legitimized. Texas will be the laughing stock of the scientific community (move over Kansas and Alabama), and our children will be taught scientific reasoning by zealots masquerading as teachers.