Monday, February 11, 2008

How Texas (and the rest of the universe) came to be

We have found Texans to be very...well.... Texocentric... this may be a stereotype of Texans, but it is absolutely true, from the Dairy Queen commercials touting "that's what I like about Texas!" (as if they are the only ones with Dairy Queens) to Anheuser Busch actually making a special brew for the sophisticated Texan palate.... Ziegen Bock... I am serious, this product exists, Bud Light.... for Texans ONLY!!!! (I bought it once thinking it was a microbrew... gross)

Anyway, at no time was the Texocenterism more evident (and slightly embarrasing) than at the Texas Memorial Museum. We stumbled upon this awesome museum while showing Russ and Rachel around the campus. Below are some of the neat skeletons and animals we saw. It was real fun, and to their credit they had a quite extensive section teaching about evolution (Take that Kansas school board!!!).

The Origins of the universe section was hilarious though....

Can you see that spot on the left above the galaxy, thats Texas... the lesser states and continents formed around the gravitational pull of the state's Ego. Seriously though, the whole room was devoted to how Texas was created, as if the earth were just a scaffold for placing Texas on... It was great...
We enjoyed it emmensely though, and we will have to make it a stop on the tour of the town for everyone who visits. The fossils and geology were simply amazing... below is a sampling...

Here we have a Monkfish skeleton and a preserved goosefish... These are only a fraction of the awesome dead things we saw!!!!

I dont know the name of this thing so I am going to call it Armadillis giganticus. Rachel is included in the background for scale... The approximate dimensions are 3 rachels by 6 rachels by 4.5 rachels.

Bigspikeybackasaurous is seen here, although rachel is not in this picture for scale, the card with the name of this extinct beast is 4x6 cubits.

Here are more cool dinosaurs, I envisioned Fred Flinstone (or more likely that rascal Bam-Bam) using the one seen here as a primitive scateboard.

This sea beast is kept behind glass for our protection, not his...

Finally, this specimen is the gigantic Bison, a distant cousin of the longhorn, the only cow variety worth mentioning as all others are inferior.


Rachel and Russell said...

It looks like the enormous armadillo is going to eat rachel!

Rachel said...

No, I think that was the OTHER end of the giant armadillo...