Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Pretty Petals....

A cherry tree in our front yard is loosing its blossoms and they are covering everything! it looks like snow when a slight breeze goes by. Evie loves to play with the petals!

Evie is doing her Easter Bunny impression...

make an avatar

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter Activities

We had a good Easter going to parks and whatnot.

In the Morning we had an Easter Egg hunt. Later at Breakfast, Evie ate some hard boiled eggs that she and her mom colored.

Here is Evie at the park...

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Josh and Tina visit

Josh and Tina visited from Madison over the weekend... here he is schooling Evie on some bubbles. We went to Baltimore for an Orioles game. IT was a lot of fun, I have never been to Cmaden Yards.

The place was packed!

Later on we went to Harper's Ferry West Virginia... site of a famous confederate victory in 1862 and John Brown's raid in 1857. People say John Brown's failed raid on the arsenal at Harper's Ferry had a lot to do with starting the civil war. Lots of history where the Potomac meets the Shenandoah...

We saw some cannons, and a bug, and a snake and people nearly dying trying to manage the swollen Shenandoah in a raft. We had a great time and hope Josh and Tina will visit again soon...

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Evie and the laser pointer

We got the laser pointer out to play with the kitties. Turns out Evie likes it too.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Ummm.. Hmmmm... Red!

in this video Evie is thinking very intently on what to paint...

Friday, April 15, 2011

Spring flowers/Spring visitors

Spring time in MD is flower time... One thing that is kind of unique about this area is the abundance of flowering trees in the spring. Texas had beautiful and plentiful wildflowers, but here there seem to be a lot of tree flowers and not just cherry blossoms (although the cherry blossoms are pretty spectacular). Evie loves to look at and smell flowers...

These pink ones are from a tree in our back yard, can anyone identify?

these are also from the backyard area... one day after a great wind, it looked as if it was snowing outside there were so many petals on the ground, we got a video of Evie playing with them...

Casey and Emily came out to visit too, and Rx went on a flower tour of DC with them...

tree hugger!
Evidently the cherry blossoms in DC were pretty spectacular

Here are some pics from our trip to Arlington.

We got to see Sunny G too in Arlington! That was very fun and very overdue.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

FYI: Clifford is Evie's new fav

She still loves Elmo, but we have about a kagillion clifford books from the library and she loves the TV show too.

Sunday, April 3, 2011


Evie bubbles for the first time!