Sunday, August 29, 2010

Evelyn fun time

David visits DC

Jack's brother, David, was in town this weekend for a conference. On Saturday we picked him up and headed down to DC on the Metro.

Me and Evie in front of the National Mall.... There was some controversy as Glenn Beck was holding a rally at the Lincoln Memorial (see background) on the anniversary of both MLK's I have a Dream speech, and Forrest Gump's Vietnam Protest speech (where he met up w/ Jenny). Thousands of Gump fans thought that Beck had no right to speak on such hallowed ground on such an anniversary and held a counter potest.

Eating bomb pops, my newly established tradition when in DC on a hot day.... Its the patriotic thing to do.

David in front of the Washington Momument....

Jack and Evie in front of the Coelacanth at the Natural History museum.

I bought a ticket for the live butterfly display. It was awesome.

View from the middle of Pennsyvania Ave.

We put David to work as much as possible this weekend.... ha ha

Hope diamond.....45 carat.. we included a hairy old lady arm for scale..

Friday, August 27, 2010

happenings from around the house...

Evie is blogging on her laptop on the porch... Here she is with Bunny on her Princess chair

Priscilla is apologizing to Sushi for knocking him over last week...

And here is Evie eating some ice cream... oh wait... that's not ice cream... thats her new fav food hummus... she eats it by the spoonful.
Does anyone know if they sell non-garlic hummus?... because afterwards her breath smells like a Cairo Bazaar. Just kidding, she is too cute to have bad breathe

Saturday, August 21, 2010

toot toot!

I think my new favorite thing Evie says is "toot toot!" It is equivalent to her "Roar!" in my book

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Attention Grandmas!!

Evie loves board puzzles.

More? More?

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

red Beta Fish - NAME CONTEST

Alright, y'all...we got us a new fish in town. heh he. He's red, with a bit of white face. Kinda like this......

Now we just need a name! Any suggestions?


Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Peach Orchard!

We had a fun time peach picking this weekend... Evie just wanted to stay in the basket
Rx made a delicious cobbler

we saw a tiny fox.. looks cute eh? well when it got up we saw that it had no hair on its tail.. eeewww...

Here she is in here grass canoe..

Ev loves flowers..

Sunday, August 8, 2010


Bippity Boppity Bacon!!