Thursday, October 30, 2008

5 days to go....

This segement from the Daily Show helps outline why McCain is about my least favorite person right now. Here we have some of his lovely derisiveness, little f-ing air quotes...this guy is scary.

Those Daily Show clips make me feel like McCain is an angry little leprechan who got his lucky charms stolen.

Just for the record, here is the actual debate where Obama is speaking and McCain gets to rebut...

Before They Go, Countdown To Election Day

Before Bush Jr. and Caribou Barbie are gone for good (god willing), I've decided to post one awesome moment from the campaign per day as a "greatest hits" countdown. These are some of my favorites, so I hope you all enjoy. Also, I'm realizing I could have started this video-a-day countdown a long time ago....Roxanne

This one is the latest greatest hit....Sarah Palin on fruit fly research:

Here's a list of Palin's college classes taken:

Sarah Palin:
Hawaii Pacific University - 1 semester
North Idaho College - 2 semesters - general study
University of Idaho - 2 semesters - journalism
Matanuska-Susitna College - 1 semester
University of Idaho - 3 semesters - B.A. in Journalism

So, probably no biology 101 in there, huh?

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Changing Lou is a cinch now thanks to our new changing pad!! Much better than this experience..

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Wisc us away!!!!

We accomplished a lot on our recent Wisconsin trip: 2 showers, a wedding, a hockey game, an anti-shower, working in the old lab, eating at a couple of favorite haunts we missed last time around, visiting, eagle watching, etc.

First things first, after the plane ride we went to Roxanne's Mom's place for an awesome baby shower! We had a lot of fun visiting and being showered with gifts. Here is the fam all together!

And here she is.... styling it up by the presents. Notice the pigs flying in the background. That is a reference to when Roxanne said she would get pregnant. HA!!

We chose to be surprised about the baby's sex, but Roxanne's mom used some northwoods voo doo (see below) to determine that we are having a girl. Evidently her accuracy rate is pretty good, so we are calling the baby 'her' and 'she' now... we'll see I guess.The next day we went to the wedding of our friends, John and Ericka. Here is the bucky chocolate that everyone received.

Here we are all. They are probably still in Mexico still soaking up rays! Congrats again!

The next day we had a Madtown shower and an anti-shower. Later on they merged and canceled each other out into nonexistence (little particle physics joke there.. HA!). Can you guess whether the below spread was served at the shower or the antishower?

It was the shower... Roxanne had the camera for the shower, so I couldnt take any pics.. but I will use google image search to sum up the awesomeness that occurred at the antishower in Donnie's basement that day...

Back to the real shower, Rx got a diaper cake! how cute!

We both got to meet Chad and Angie's daughter Denali. The 30 seconds of holding her was kind of overwhelming, it made me a little scared about what is going to happen when we get ours...

Here I am in the new Micro building on campus... It was completed the month I left... damn! It is crazy awesome inside! Very futuristic.
We hit state street for some curds... and photo opps.

On our last night, we went to Warthogs fan appreciation night! Awesome. Afterwards, we went to the Stadium bar. They have my favorite arcade game Buck Hunter Pro. Check it out!!

Anyway, thanks to everyone for making us feel so welcome and loved and thanks for sharing your excitement about our baby! With all of the wonderful people we had a hard time coming back! We are so lucky to have such a great group of friends and family in Wisconsin.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

small rant before the wisc post...

This is a chart outlining the gap between the rich and poor, per country (income of the top 10% divided by the income of the lowest 10%). Any attempt to push the US bar (third from the top) to the left in this chart is either social engineering, class warfare, socialism, or communism according to the the new McCain/Palin talking points. So what would pushing that bar to the right (closer to Turkey and Mexico) be? Capitalism? Natural selection? Free Market? Feudalism? Whatever you call it, it has been going on for decades.

Social engineering.. how ironic... social engineering is how we got so far outta wack with the rest of the world in the first place. Only that social engineering was pushing that bar to the right, and the people pushing were the banker/corporate party that runs our government (composed of incumbents from either party) at the whim of lobbyists. They pushed the money from the poor to the hands of an elite few.
I for one would rather see that bar graph go to the left, I am not talking Denmark style (although I hear Denmark is awesome) but the momentum needs to shift. I dont want to end up like Mexico which is basically a neuvo-feudalist society (FYI Mexico watch out for this). If saying that makes me a socialist... we'll thats fine with me comrade.


Lil Mango is kicking his/her mommy pretty good lately.. and hurting her back too. We will put up picks of our awesome Wisconsin trip soon... stay tuned..

Sunday, October 19, 2008

The best summary ever !

What a concise explanation of what has been going on! This is worth a listen.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

20-weeks and counting..fingers, toes, heart chambers, etc., etc.

We got to play our first game of peek-a-boo yesterday with Baby. We went in for our 20-week ultrasound. It's the one where you can find out the sex if you want to - WE DID NOT!! he he.

Surprisingly, we also got to see a 3D image of the baby's face.....

Well, we would have had Baby not had arms in front of face, as seen above. After a few jiggles with the ultrasound probe, the technician got him/her to move the arms out of the way.....

Introducing Baby Borrok - I hope it's not creepy to anyone. I think it's adorable, but of course I'm supposed to, right :) Still has an arm up there blocking the side of the face, but this was as good as it got.

Here's a new profile shot - much like the other one, but now we're bigger. 12 ounces. You can see the hand above the forehead. We also got to see opening and closing of the mouth. They checked for opening and closing the hand, checked all brain anatomy, spinal cord, heart anatomy and function (baby got its first echocardiogram!), liver, bladder, kidneys. It was really amazing how detailed they could get on all this. And here's the little foot print!! Awwww

20 more weeks!! Seems like forever - I can't believe I'm only half way there.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Care Packages

We got two care packages on the same day today!!
We were so excited to see all the cute tiny tiny baby clothes! Roxanne's mom sent us a cute onesie with booties!

Flipper slippers! How cute is that?

Peggy, Dave and the kids sent a box that looked like someone at the post office sat on... fortunately the contents were alright! Here is Louie modeling some cute overalls.

Here I am trying on the tiniest hat in the world!!
Here are some MO oriented clothes. ("show me" the cuteness)

Frog oriented clothes...
Here is Roxanne testing out the boppy pillow with Bunny.
Priscilla did not like being swaddled... I hope the baby does.
David Jr. and Bella wrote on the box for us. Here is Sooky falling down the stairs!! Oh no!!

Thanks a lot for the goodies, we really appreciate it!

No explanation needed.... (also I am lazy)

The stars at night... are big and bright...

When anybody visits Austin, some mandatory Texas worshipping is inevitable. For the first time we decided to go see the Texas Capitol building.

We had fun, evidently it is the best Capitol building in the US... dare I say the world! The Texas Capitol is about 7 feet higher than the National Capitol. It is the tallest capitol in the United States today, rising 309 feet 8 inches from the basement floor to the top of the Goddess of Liberty statue.

Texas was once part of France, Spain, Mexico, The Republic of Texas, the Confederate states of America, and currently the United States of America. People should know that when you enter Texas, you are entering all the other countries Texas has been with. Texas is basically part of the US until something better comes along.
Decorating the hallowed floor of the Texas capitol are these interesting marble patterns. Other than this one being off centered (good job Texas artisan).. it maybe, just maybe might bear a similarity so something other than a column with an upside down heart on top... What do you think?

I will give you a hint... This guy bears the same similarity.

Here is the dome... Here is the floor right beneath the dome...I love Texas...