Tuesday, October 7, 2008

The stars at night... are big and bright...

When anybody visits Austin, some mandatory Texas worshipping is inevitable. For the first time we decided to go see the Texas Capitol building.

We had fun, evidently it is the best Capitol building in the US... dare I say the world! The Texas Capitol is about 7 feet higher than the National Capitol. It is the tallest capitol in the United States today, rising 309 feet 8 inches from the basement floor to the top of the Goddess of Liberty statue.

Texas was once part of France, Spain, Mexico, The Republic of Texas, the Confederate states of America, and currently the United States of America. People should know that when you enter Texas, you are entering all the other countries Texas has been with. Texas is basically part of the US until something better comes along.
Decorating the hallowed floor of the Texas capitol are these interesting marble patterns. Other than this one being off centered (good job Texas artisan).. it maybe, just maybe might bear a similarity so something other than a column with an upside down heart on top... What do you think?

I will give you a hint... This guy bears the same similarity.

Here is the dome... Here is the floor right beneath the dome...I love Texas...

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