Anyway, our friends Mark and Kelly have even more deer in their neighborhood. Anytime of the day or night there could be anywhere from 1/2 a deer to 10 deer in their yard (yes they actually found 1/2 a deer in their yard one day, but that is a whole other story). The deer I like the best (other than the 1/2 deer) is the black deer. I have lived around and hunted deer for my whole life and I have never seen a black white tailed deer. It is kind of shiny too.. it looks like it rolled around in grease or shoe polish.

UPDATE: Evidently... they are called melanistic deer as they overproduce Melanin. They are very rare indeed, although more common in Texas according to this informative article.
Wow - way to post a completely superfluous blog right on top of the blog of your own child. I see how it is, BORROK. This means war.
gimme a break... people can scroll!
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