One of the things we missed most about Madison was the food. On the way to Madison we got hungry and bought a cheese curd sausage conglomerate thing at the
Pine Cone in Johnson Creek. I dont know if it gets more Wisconsin than curds and sausage in a plastic sealed bag (maybe if it came with a bottle of Schlitz).

When we got to Madtown we went to Kabul on state street. It was delish!

Kabul is great although something about their logo seems a little racist or maybe just odd.

Throughout the weekend we hit many of our other favorite haunts. Taj of course, our favorite Indian place, Monty's Blue Plate, Hacienda, Great Dane, and Mark and Carol's house for some grilled goodness.
At the Big 10 we got our fill of fried cheese curds

I included this one also because it is a very flattering picture of David.

At the terrace we got some orange custard chocolate chip ice cream.. It was awesome!!

We missed the big farmer's market on the Cap square, but made it out to the North Side Farmer's Market and enjoyed fresh strawberries, donuts, and corn.

Here are the ladies shuckin corn for grillin @ Mark and Carol's

Good times... I am hungry now.. damn!
What's with all the pictures of me Eating? Geez, I look like some crazy beast...
Did you guys eat a Lao-lan-xang? I've been craving that place periodically. I'm also pretty envious of the curds and sausage.
I miss Madison now, too. People in California like vegetables and bicycling. They eat frozen yogurt and gelato instead of custard or even ice cream. It's weird here.
What size do you resize your pictures to before you post them? I am trying to start our soon to be neglected blog.
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