I decided to put them up in our bathroom window. Every morning it is really bright in the bathroom because of the east facing window. This is quite a rude awakening. It reminded me of a light box for X-ray viewing. I recently got some X-rays of my foot so I decided to just put them up. This 4 x 3 foot room is the only room Roxanne allows me to have complete artistic freedom in. She gets the rest of the house. Taking into account my unique style, I consider myself lucky I have this room as my canvas.

For some reason Rx gets free Dog Fancy and Cat Fancy magazines. I have been decorating the other walls of the bathroom with each month's "centerfolds" . My favs are the Maine Coons at the top of the previous picture.

Man, those Maine Coons are so big and sexy! I want one so bad, but Casey says they smell bad.
wait, did I miss something? Why did you get your foot X-rayed?
Every doctor I see won't believe me when I say I have gout, so I have to get x-rays and blood taken every time and then they say... Oh.. you were right, and I say no shit.. I told you that like 90% of my family on both sides have it.... Dont get me started on the MDs...
I guess our next post has to be the cute froggie bathroom...for comparison in Jack and my decorating tastes.
I have MD stories as well....stay tuned
From what angle was the pig hoof X-ray taken? I can't figure that one out.
It is right foot and left hoof. Actually, its a side angle where it looks like my toes are flashing the "East side" symbol
Dude, just to stick up for diagnosing gout ... that shit totally looks like an infection, which would probably make your foot fall off. I usually order blood work on everyone as well.
I can certainly see it from their side too Josh. Probably 90% of people who come in and say they have something are wrong, but I have had 3 different docs for this and every time I come in it is like Groundhog Day.. the same thing over and over again and they come to the same conclusion...
From my calculations, pig hoofness is just an illusion caused by the x-ray scatter from uric acid crystals; they must be distributed in the big toe region with a seemingly reciprocal-pig-hoofian distribution.
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