This year there were no white russians for me, or Settlers, or Laurels for me to pick up, so it was a little less eventful than a couple years ago, but it was nice nonetheless.
In unrelated news, I have recently been told to start "taking it easy" and being "off my feet" more. (Apparently dehydration and working too hard can cause premature contractions, as I got to find out in the ER the other night - who knew!? Well, Marta, YOU probably knew). Taking it easy sounds nice, but not for me with my type A personality and all. But, for the sake of not having our baby 3 months early, I will give it my all.
You know that photo of Jack with the mustache? That's what greeted me after I got home from work Friday night, that and a beautifully clean house! Jack has been telling me to "sit down" a lot and that he "can get that for me"...I'm trying, I really am :) and he is doing a great job of making me feel like I can.
I also recently got an early Christmas present from Jack. This very funny and very cute T-shirt. Since I can only wear it so long, he gave it to me early. We're going to keep that bun in the oven a little longer!
So, looks like Bunny and I will be enjoying lots of TV together in the next few months!
Heather had problems taking it easy at first also. I had to force her to sit down and drink gatorade to stay hydrated since she normally doesn't drink enough liquids in a day. Although once she started getting really big, making her sit down wasn't very hard anymore. Drink lots of water. I know you will have to pee more but that is going to happen anyway.
The doc told me 3L per day, so we bought a liter bottle from REI and I'm doing my best.
I also think I notice them when I'm really hungry - Heather, did you get that too?
You should start playing more tetris. Once you get nice and addicted, you won't even notice that ~3 months have passed, the baby has been born, and he/she is playing along with you!
How cute is that shirt??? I'm sure taking it easy is hard, it'll be well worth it in the end :) We don't want to meet the baby till February! I'm not scared by your threats of replacing us, we know we're one of a kind- HA. Happy Belated Turkey Day!
Thats a great T-Shirt! Taking it easy can sometimes be more stressful than working. I like the tetris idea.
What a cute shirt! I agree with the Tetris idea and maybe get the DVDs for a show you've always wanted to watch. That might get you sucked in and rested for a few days :)
I love all the suggestions - in fact, Lee, I have started renting Desparate Housewives from Netflix and I'm on season 2. May be Lost will be next :)
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