Here we are in the Buckhorn Saloon and museum in downtown San Antonio!!
We found this place on the roadside america website. It was worth every penny. Here we are with our Shiner Bocks in front of a big ole longhorn.
Below are some of the many exhibits and stuffed animals.
Mongoose vs. Cobra is an epic struggle (kind of like GI joe vs. Cobra). In this case I am going to say the Cobra has the upper hand. First off, the albino cobra is 8 times bigger than Ricky Tikki Tavi, and it has him in a strangle hold. Also the cobra is hypnotizing the mongoose with its beady red eyes. It doesnt look good for the mongoose at this point.
This is some sort of saw fish... awesome... D almost fell in the aquarium.
Below are some of the many exhibits and stuffed animals.
Mongoose vs. Cobra is an epic struggle (kind of like GI joe vs. Cobra). In this case I am going to say the Cobra has the upper hand. First off, the albino cobra is 8 times bigger than Ricky Tikki Tavi, and it has him in a strangle hold. Also the cobra is hypnotizing the mongoose with its beady red eyes. It doesnt look good for the mongoose at this point.
This is some sort of saw fish... awesome... D almost fell in the aquarium.
Excuse me, may I cut in? you too are dancing awful close there... oh I'm sorry, my bad, I didnt know you were Siamese calf twins.. How Awesome!!!
The most fascinating exhibit was of course the world famous "Manboon" (top left). We had heard good things about the manboon, but seeing it in person in all its glory, took our breath away. Is it a missing link? A taxidermy mishap? Who knows, perhaps we'll never know, but one thing is for certain, our lives were changed forever. Lesser oddities and freaks were also displayed including a particularly evil merman (front center) and some sort of man-squirrel-velocaraptor (back center), but none struck us like the manboon.
We may link up all the awesome pics (all 146 of them) soon... keep on the lookout for that.
awesome! it's like i'm back in texas!
Is it possible that man evolved from manboons once they developed the taste for chips? It would mean that man didn't "come from chips", but that they did play a direct role in man's evolution from manboons.
Interesting proposition DW. No one is going to argue against the fact that somewhere in our past chips did play a role in our evolution as they continue to do today. Whether at the manboon stage or not who can say, more research certianly needs to be done. An interesting sidenote: neither manboons or chips are mentioned in the bible.
I wonder what that duck is up to? If that duck turned into a real woman, Laurel may have to live with a polyamorous relationship! The same does not apply to Bones or Jolene (our cats); they'd just be swell lady friends with whom I'd talk about the weather, water, and birds... just kidding about the "if the duck turned into a real woman" thing... anyway, Texas with Jack and Roxanne was just plain great times. Thanks for having us down there! Come to Madison!
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