Sunday, July 13, 2008

Pace Bend

We hung out at Pace Bend Park this weekend with our friends Chris and Gabby. It was fun. We found an awesome little cave under the cliffs to hang out and beat the 100 degree heat and sun. We swam and grilled hot dogs. Louie is a little tuckered from all the swimming. Good times.. We forgot our camera so I GISed (google image searched) these pics for Pace Bend. I didnt cliff dive, but there was a lot of that going on where we were. I actually climbed up to the top, but then chickened out. Rx said I needed to up my life insurance before I did anything crazy.


chris said...

looks like a cool place to spend a hot afternoon. I've always wanted to grill in a cave.

angie said...

Heading over next weekend.....Can someone please tell me where that cave location is?