Sunday, March 29, 2009
Scotch Pine
Thursday, March 26, 2009
i realized that I had a lot of videos on my camera - so it was time to make another movie. The first couple videos are a little slow - but adorable! - and no one better think otherwise. haha. We also gave her a bath one night that lasted about 30 seconds before I couldn't take the screaming anymore - I felt like I was torturing her, poor girl. But, as you will see, she calmed down afterward once she was snuggled up in her towel.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
family visit weekend
My mom came to visit this past weekend. Here she is with Evelyn.

We had a great visit - Evie will miss her grandparents. So will I, as they seemed to have the touch for getting her quiet!
Here's the 3-generations pic
We went to Salt Lick for BBQ - here's Evie's first taste of hot sauce! MMMM
Grandpa Pollari had the magic touch for calming Evie down ...
We had a great visit - Evie will miss her grandparents. So will I, as they seemed to have the touch for getting her quiet!
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Thursday, March 19, 2009
1 Month Birthday!
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
more Evelyn pictures
Monday, March 16, 2009
Jim the Wonder Dog
A lot of smart things come from Missouri... lets see... there's me.... and ... well just me is all I can think of now. But long before I was born there was a dog that was smarter than most people ever will be. He was Jim the Wonderdog. 
Jim was a LLewellyn Setter from Marshall MO. He was an excellent bird dog. Evidently he was the sporting dog of the century (20th century) according to Outdoor life magazine. I will let this video explain more how awesome this dog was, it is hard to put into words...
it is a good video, but it really glosses over the story.
Here are some more Jim facts: Jim could tell the future....
From roadside america: "He could foretell the sex of unborn infants, the victors of World Series and presidential elections, and the winners of seven consecutive Kentucky Derbys. Jim was, in fact, so skilled at predicting race winners that the Van Arsdales had to cut short a vacation to Florida. They'd received a telegram threatening Jim's life if he didn't stop picking winners at the dog track"
He was tested at both the University of Missouri (Go Tigers) and at the Missouri Capitol Building:
From this website:
Sam arranged for a demonstration at the University of Missouri with the skeptical Dr. A. J. Durant, head of the School of Veterinary Medicine, conducting the proceedings. Durant was assisted by Dr. Sherman Dickinson of the College of Agriculture. The Paramount Motion Picture Corporation was there to film the event. As a starter, Dr. Durant gave Jim a thorough examination. He could find nothing abnormal or different from any other dog. The tests, attended by numerous faculty members and students, as well as psychiatrists from Washington University in St. Louis, were held in a large quadrangle on the campus. Van Arsdale began: "Jim there is a college professor here named Dickinson. Show him to us." Jim did, and then was deluged with a succession of commands. A professor asked in Italian to be shown an elm tree. Another directed Jim in French to point out a certain license number. One, speaking in German, wanted to be shown a girl dressed in blue. A fourth requested in Spanish that the dog find a man wearing a black mustache. Jim responded promptly and accurately to all requests.
From roadside america: "Word spread quickly. Jim and Sam soon found themselves hauled before a combined session of the state legislature in Jefferson City, where a test had been devised to debunk the dog. In order to preclude any secret signaling, a Morse code message was tapped out (Sam didn't understand Morse code) instructing Jim to walk to a certain member. Jim did it. The senators and representatives sat dumbfounded as Jim then picked out people with various traits, including the gentleman "ladies speak of as tall and handsome" and the politician that was playing cards instead of paying attention. "
This says a lot about the Dog, but it certainly also says a lot about the Missouri Legislature. They had a joint session to investigate a smart dog!!! This is right out of a Disney movie.

Jim was a LLewellyn Setter from Marshall MO. He was an excellent bird dog. Evidently he was the sporting dog of the century (20th century) according to Outdoor life magazine. I will let this video explain more how awesome this dog was, it is hard to put into words...
it is a good video, but it really glosses over the story.
Here are some more Jim facts: Jim could tell the future....
From roadside america: "He could foretell the sex of unborn infants, the victors of World Series and presidential elections, and the winners of seven consecutive Kentucky Derbys. Jim was, in fact, so skilled at predicting race winners that the Van Arsdales had to cut short a vacation to Florida. They'd received a telegram threatening Jim's life if he didn't stop picking winners at the dog track"
He was tested at both the University of Missouri (Go Tigers) and at the Missouri Capitol Building:
From this website:
Sam arranged for a demonstration at the University of Missouri with the skeptical Dr. A. J. Durant, head of the School of Veterinary Medicine, conducting the proceedings. Durant was assisted by Dr. Sherman Dickinson of the College of Agriculture. The Paramount Motion Picture Corporation was there to film the event. As a starter, Dr. Durant gave Jim a thorough examination. He could find nothing abnormal or different from any other dog. The tests, attended by numerous faculty members and students, as well as psychiatrists from Washington University in St. Louis, were held in a large quadrangle on the campus. Van Arsdale began: "Jim there is a college professor here named Dickinson. Show him to us." Jim did, and then was deluged with a succession of commands. A professor asked in Italian to be shown an elm tree. Another directed Jim in French to point out a certain license number. One, speaking in German, wanted to be shown a girl dressed in blue. A fourth requested in Spanish that the dog find a man wearing a black mustache. Jim responded promptly and accurately to all requests.
From roadside america: "Word spread quickly. Jim and Sam soon found themselves hauled before a combined session of the state legislature in Jefferson City, where a test had been devised to debunk the dog. In order to preclude any secret signaling, a Morse code message was tapped out (Sam didn't understand Morse code) instructing Jim to walk to a certain member. Jim did it. The senators and representatives sat dumbfounded as Jim then picked out people with various traits, including the gentleman "ladies speak of as tall and handsome" and the politician that was playing cards instead of paying attention. "
This says a lot about the Dog, but it certainly also says a lot about the Missouri Legislature. They had a joint session to investigate a smart dog!!! This is right out of a Disney movie.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Say no to HR 875 and the NAIS!!

Backyard gardener? Organic food fan? Hunter? Food eater? This applies to you, check this out... Also watch out for this: The National Animal Identification System. If any of you own chickens out there, big brother would like a word with you. Under this USDA act every chicken, goat, horse, donkey, pig, cow, etc. would have a number and an RFID tag on your farm registered with the government. Does Big Brother's sudden interest in the minutiae of food production scare anyone else? Why is it their business if I chose to raise a chicken or grow some tomatoes? I think there might be a couple more pressing issues our glorious government should be dealing with right now. Write your congressmen and the USDA, this is ridiculous.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
hi grandmas! first smiles caught on film
look who found her thumb. so far this has been the only time. she's not big on the pacifier.
Sleeping baby dreaming - the range of her facial expressions amazes me....happy to almost crying to laughing or scowling in seconds. usually she will smile in response to our voices. it's no wonder i can just stare at her for hours.
Gone is the week of sleeping most of the time. Last couple days she's been up a lot at night, fussing for no reason that we can figure. I've been snuggle-sleeping with her a lot, leaving me with one hour, up for a while, another doze for an hour. It's tiring - I try to sleep when she is napping during the day....doesn't always work because I have to do this "eating" thing too. But I digress. I know I'm not telling any of the parents in the audience anything new :) It's all worth it, of course.
I want to thank everyone for their support - we've gotten a few care packages and have had lots of feedback on the old Facebook and via emails and phone calls. It's good to have close friends who let you know they care. It's difficult being so far away from everyone but at least we can feel closer this way :)
Monday, March 2, 2009
acute triangle
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