Tuesday, March 3, 2009

hi grandmas! first smiles caught on film

look who found her thumb. so far this has been the only time. she's not big on the pacifier.

Sleeping baby dreaming - the range of her facial expressions amazes me....happy to almost crying to laughing or scowling in seconds. usually she will smile in response to our voices. it's no wonder i can just stare at her for hours.

Gone is the week of sleeping most of the time. Last couple days she's been up a lot at night, fussing for no reason that we can figure. I've been snuggle-sleeping with her a lot, leaving me with one hour, up for a while, another doze for an hour. It's tiring - I try to sleep when she is napping during the day....doesn't always work because I have to do this "eating" thing too. But I digress. I know I'm not telling any of the parents in the audience anything new :) It's all worth it, of course.
I want to thank everyone for their support - we've gotten a few care packages and have had lots of feedback on the old Facebook and via emails and phone calls. It's good to have close friends who let you know they care. It's difficult being so far away from everyone but at least we can feel closer this way :)

1 comment:

Pat said...

I love these pictures! She is such a cutie. I'd say she will be a smiler as she grows up.