Sunday, October 31, 2010

pics from Missouri Halloween weekend

went to Missoura for a long weekend. We got to do lots of visiting and halloween fun having. Evie loved seeing all of her Missouri relatives especially her Grandma and Grandpa!

Rx and I got to go to a halloween party while Gpa and gma babysat...

we really dont have a short description as to what either of us were.. I was sort of a pumpkin /racoon in a trash bag and Rx was dangermouse/powerpuff girl/ zorro...

Evie had sooooooooooooo much fun this visit. She had her first trick or treating and it was great!

quack quack!
lots of candy too! she had so much fun with her missouri cousins who were a scary sucker eating lion, and a very enthusiastic Mario


1 comment:

Kate said...

Hell yeah! Cookie and I finally made it into the blog! The rest of it was nice too, with those cute kids and stuff. :) So glad you guys had a good visit. We loved having you!