Friday, November 12, 2010

Early Christmas Gift from Gma and Gpa

these are the petits fours I got for Louie's birthday. There's a cute little doggy bakery on 8th street SE where I walk to go to work, so I stopped on my way home. He enjoyed them thoroughly.

We got a surprise package from Amazon - Evie's Christmas gift from Grandma and Grandpa Pollari...... So, this post is for them to see how she reacted when she got it and started playing with it.

It's a music, learning, and video interactive station. She was very excited to begin playing on it.
She had very little patience for waiting while the batteries were installed....

But once they were, she got to playing and dancing right away....

She also likes to imitate the dog on the's funny

thank you Grandma and Grandpa!

Oh, also, Priscilla enjoyed the box it came in....


lmp123 said...

ummmm, those dog treats look delicious! happy belated birthday lou!

Kate said...

Sooooo cute!!!