Saturday, March 12, 2011

Eleanor's B-day party/ Grandma & Grandpa

I believe I can fly!!! Check out these mad Evie dunks. After this she did a 360 over 3 other toddlers. We had a great time at Evie's friend Eleanor's 1st b-day party. Even though Evie only sees Eleanor maybe once every 2 weeks or so, she is constantly saying her name, and loves it when they both get to hang out together. She is Evie's friend!

Here is Evie and her friends Eleanor and Ellie. Together they are the 3 E-migos!

Here is Eleanor getting her birthday cupcake!
Here they are practicing sharing!

Later on on Sunday, Evie's Grandpa and Grandma came! we had soo much fun visiting!
We all celebrated Evie's birthday for a second time, evie didnt complain ;)

She had yummy cake and opened presents!

She got an Elmo book and some awesome toys.
Lastly, here is Evie having fun doing Ring around the Rosy with Grandma


jess&nick said...

adorable! Elena was singing and clapping as she watched the video. Thanks for sharing the joy!

Kate said...

So much fun! I loved the three E-migos and Evie doing ring around the rosie with her Grandma.