Thursday, April 21, 2011

Josh and Tina visit

Josh and Tina visited from Madison over the weekend... here he is schooling Evie on some bubbles. We went to Baltimore for an Orioles game. IT was a lot of fun, I have never been to Cmaden Yards.

The place was packed!

Later on we went to Harper's Ferry West Virginia... site of a famous confederate victory in 1862 and John Brown's raid in 1857. People say John Brown's failed raid on the arsenal at Harper's Ferry had a lot to do with starting the civil war. Lots of history where the Potomac meets the Shenandoah...

We saw some cannons, and a bug, and a snake and people nearly dying trying to manage the swollen Shenandoah in a raft. We had a great time and hope Josh and Tina will visit again soon...

1 comment:

Pat said...

What a fun trip! beautiful pictures too.