Friday, August 28, 2009

Wisconsin Trip August 2009

We just got back from Wisconsin. We took around 300 pictures, but here are a few of the highlights.

Here we are at the airport in Austin, preparing to board. On the plane....

On the transit at the Dallas airport.

Ah! Finally in Madison. Laurel and Demian hosted a lovely get-together for us so that we could visit with all our friends. Note Demian in his host (ess?) outfit.

Evie's first day at the Rathskeller in the Student Union. Russ and Rachel and we ad a beer and some snacks. None of us could technically buy beer at the Union any more, a fact by which we were all taken aback.

Windy, cool day on the lake.

Friday night I helped host Bonnie's bridal shower/bachelorette party. She is getting married in October and we are so happy for her!

On Saturday, after dropping Evie off at her grandma's house, we attended the wedding reception of Kirk and Beth

Kirk with his new kids - boy those guys move fast!

Doritos flowed like manna from heaven.

The ceremonial carrying of the groom. just after the smoking of the cigars and the drinking of tons of beer and wine.

Earlier pictures - ie: the drinking of the beer and the wine.

Complimentary flip-flops from Kirk and Beth.
Here is grandma and her happy grandbaby. She had a great time at grandma's house. My mom also had a party for us where Evie got to meet many of her great aunts and uncles, as well as a second cousin or two :)

Evie also got to meet her grandpa Bartel for the first time.

We did our best to visit everyone's new homes. Here we are at Josh and Tina's.

Whoa! Look at the look on her face...this picture is hilarious. I don't remember seeing this one before.

We also visited David and Marta's home....see post.

While we were up Matt and Jessica had their baby girl, Gwendolyn (i'm probably spelling that wrong) - look at the difference 6 months makes!

Well, it was a whirlwind trip, but we had a great time and loved seeing everyone! We'll be back in October for Bonnie's wedding. yay!!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Bunny/Baby interaction

So, no pics with this post but funny story. Sunday I'm hanging out on the computer and Evie is on the floor laying on her back and just chillin. She is exercising her vocal cords by just "ahhhhhhh....ahhhhhhhhh""-ing just like for 15-20 minutes. She's enjoying herself (don't worry ;)

All of a sudden Bunny waltzes over and goes to bite Evie's head! I stopped her in time, but obviously Bunny wasn't enjoying Evie's vocals as much as I was.

Saturday, August 15, 2009


We created a Lamprey eel!!!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Gimme a P!!!! for Ptake me to Wisconsin!!!
Evie is getting excited!!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Why do people let her on TV?

We have blogged about Palin ad nauesum here, here, here , here and here. She said a lot of dumb things, and she didn't win the election... yadda yadda yadda. We never revisited the subject because its old news, and we were hoping she would fade away into the irrelevancy from which she came.. but her recent facebook post could not be ignored. It must be highlighted as the SINGLE DUMBEST MOST DISHONEST SENTENCE EVER WRITTEN IN THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. Okay maybe I am using hyperbole here, but it has to be close to the dumbest...

"The America I know and love is not one in which my parents or my baby with Down Syndrome will have to stand in front of Obama's "death panel" so his bureaucrats can decide, based on a subjective judgment of their "level of productivity in society," whether they are worthy of health care."

What the hell? Did she just say that a government alternative to private insurance will result in a "Death Panel" to decide who lives and dies?
I won't waste my time dissecting everything that is just plain wrong, dishonest, idiotic, and random in this sentence... I will only mention it is "based" on a provision in one bill floating around that would pay for voluntary counseling for end of life decisions (e.g. making a living will if they want, or talking about hospice etc.). Evidently providing money to talk to a health care professional about end of life decisions = there will be death panels to kill the elderly and retarded... Oh My God....

Only Palin could be so utterly and profoundly stupid to utter such a whopper of a lie. And only in America are there people so foolish as to believe her/listen to her.
Regardless of what side you are on on the healthcare debate, can we all agree that this woman is crazy, and her ramblings should be treated like that of a crazy person....ignored. This statement should be the nail in her coffin of relevance, but alas we are in America and it will only embolden the career of this 1/2 term former governor.

And get this... instead of distancing themselves from this lying lunatic, Assclowns like Newt actually defends her and back up her claims!!

This is why we can never have a real discussion on healthcare. How can you really discuss something when facts and reality are thrown out the window, and ridiculous soundbytes like these are bounced back and forth in the media echo chamber until it sticks and some people actually believe that Obama will come for their children in the night... ugh....
UPdate: this Atlantic Monthly Article makes a great point about rationing health care... guess what? the system we have now rations care.. big time... (and that is not including the 50 million uninsured whose ration = 0)

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Family Circus

Who doesn't hate Family Circus... or Mary Worth(less) for that matter.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Cake Wrecks

I was reading the Onion AV club and they recommended a "time wasting" website called cakewrecks. I have been looking at it all day and laughing my head off..

If you dont have the time to scroll through them all, here are some of my favorites with links directly to the posts:

These cake makers were a little too literal with the instructions...
Also, Please dont put sonograms 3-D or otherwise on cakes, the results are disturbing at best.
Life-like babies on cakes do not make for a good treat either even at a baby shower.. who will be first to cut into this one?

Okay I have to go to bed, we both have a big week ahead. enjoy the site, it is golden..
Update: Also here is the link to the clown cake post... I think it is my favorite is the one where they have the clown from Stephen King's "It" (under a sewer grate and everything) on the 10 year old's Birthday cake.. yikes If you only click on one link here, let it be this one...