Saturday, January 30, 2010

She likes the blog too!

Evie, watching the video of herself swinging....

Monday, January 25, 2010

Last night we had friends over to watch the game. Our friends Chris and Gabby brought their baby girl, Maggie, along to play with Evie.

They played great together. Here is a picture of Evie showing us how much taller she is than Maggie. Let's give her a break, E, she IS a few months younger than you!We had lunch out today - here Peanut is showing her excitement for Puffs. These are an ingenious invention - puffed Sweet Potatoes. She eats them like candy!
After lunch Evie, Louie and I went for a long walk. We have a park next door and there is a playground where we stop for swinging. Evie has a great time, every time.

Two videos for your viewing pleasure today. One of the swinging she enjoyed this afternoon and the other of her and Maggie playing with a book "together"..ha!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Bath Time!

FINALLY! This video loaded. Took me days and days. Our blogger has been super weird lately.

My mom requested some longer videos. So I took a video of Evie at her happiest...lately that has been in the tub. She loves bath time and has started splashing and splashing...sometimes into her own eye, which is kinda funny.

Anyway, enjoy!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

11 month birthday-video will be working shortly... sorry

11 month birthday!!!

Evie is growing sooo fast.. just for comparison we posted this 1 month ago. At that time she was just barely doing her military crawl and rolling. Now she Military crawls, regular crawls (a little bit), sits up from crawling, stands up on furniture, walks around the furniture, and now lawnmower walks with her lion and her table. She also waves and she said hi to somebody today on our walk... The "Hi" may have been a fluke, I will have to hear it again to be sure, but she is waving now. It will not be long now before she is walking unassisted. We suspect it will be before her B-day, but who knows...

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Evie movies...

Evie loves riding her lion and her cat Bunny (it used to be that only Priscilla put up with her manhandling, but not Bunny has come around too)
1st taste of broccoli.. lets see how it goes shall we? (Should note here that she has already been introduced to, and LIKES, carrots, squash, green beans and peas so I didn't think broccoli would be too much of a stretch).

Okay, lets see what happens on try number 2...

Here is Miss Evie, standing up on the couch... this is quite new and now she is doing it all the time!!

The remote control is good bait...that or one of our cell phones.

We'll leave you with a little dancing. She sits on her lion and, as the music plays, will do a little rock back and forth with her head. As soon as the music stops, she smacks that lion's nose to get it going again!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

L & D in Austin!

we had a heck of a lot of fun, here are a few snapshots...

Monday, January 4, 2010

2010 updat post

Sanibel Island keychain July 2006-January 2010...
Long ago the Sanibel Island inscription was warn off, now the bottle opening capacity has been seriously hindered... notice that the leftmost tooth is worn to a nub while the unused right one remains sharp... I dont know whether to be proud about this or embarrassed... regardless you will be missed Sanibel shark. We just got some new furniture!!! Here are our awesome new tables and chairs! More furniture to come, but for now we are basking in the glory of our table!
Baby Ninja!

Here we are enjoying ourselves New Year's Eve!!

And here is the New Year's baby!!! Happy as a lark!

Evie locomotion update: Evie is military crawling and rolling pretty good now, she is also starting to pull herself up on things, and can edge very slowly down the length of the coffee table in search of cheerios at the other end.