Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Ozarks Trip

We're going to link our Kodak Gallery pictures to this blog for the full spectrum of photos. But here are a few of my favorites from our weekend. We had a blast!! So relaxing and yet so fun. It was great hanging out with the whole family.

Here we are on our way - Jack is relaxing a little too much!

Here is Quinn with Peggy - he's getting soooo big!!

Here's Bella with Aunt Kate just before the gift extravaganza. Aunt Kate brought lots of goodies for the kids.

Jack and Quinn.

David Jr found a snake at Troutdale I just love this hat of Marty's...it's his rib-grilling hat.

The kids got chalk this weekend, and Keith got a surprise.

Quinn is starting young - after this picture he took a swig out of the bottle in his right hand and used the back of his left hand to wipe his mouth. It was hilarious!
Jack will follow up with some of the great images we saw on the route to and from the lake. There are some interesting people and billboards to be seen through Texas, Oklahoma, and southern Missouri....stay tuned!!

Thanks everyone! We had a great time...

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