Sunday, August 31, 2008

Hurricane Gustav

I was just reading a yahoo article about the hurricane and how everyone has to evacuate and board up their residences and businesses. I felt like, in the midst of all this chaos and dishevel, these two paragraphs didn't quite fit.....

"Lidia Morral and her husband were visiting Cuba from Barcelona, Spain. She said Gustav forced officials to close the beaches the couple wanted to visit in Santiago, on the island's eastern tip earlier in the week. The storm also prevented them from catching a ferry from Havana to the Isla de la Juventud on Saturday.
"It's been following us all over Cuba, ruining our vacation," said Morral, who was in line at a travel agency, trying to make other plans. "They have closed everything, hotels, restaurants, bars, museums. There's not much to do but wait."

Oh! These poor folks this has affected THEM so much!

1 comment:

lmp123 said...

The bars are closed?! Whatever will they do???