Wednesday, October 8, 2008

20-weeks and counting..fingers, toes, heart chambers, etc., etc.

We got to play our first game of peek-a-boo yesterday with Baby. We went in for our 20-week ultrasound. It's the one where you can find out the sex if you want to - WE DID NOT!! he he.

Surprisingly, we also got to see a 3D image of the baby's face.....

Well, we would have had Baby not had arms in front of face, as seen above. After a few jiggles with the ultrasound probe, the technician got him/her to move the arms out of the way.....

Introducing Baby Borrok - I hope it's not creepy to anyone. I think it's adorable, but of course I'm supposed to, right :) Still has an arm up there blocking the side of the face, but this was as good as it got.

Here's a new profile shot - much like the other one, but now we're bigger. 12 ounces. You can see the hand above the forehead. We also got to see opening and closing of the mouth. They checked for opening and closing the hand, checked all brain anatomy, spinal cord, heart anatomy and function (baby got its first echocardiogram!), liver, bladder, kidneys. It was really amazing how detailed they could get on all this. And here's the little foot print!! Awwww

20 more weeks!! Seems like forever - I can't believe I'm only half way there.


lmp123 said...

that little foot is so adorable. what's the size on a couple of cm?

Unknown said...

Wow, that is so cool guys...He/she is already adorable

Roxanne said...

Thanks all - it's just amazing to us. I don't know the centimeters on the foot, but I think they did tell us at the time. I forget...we were pretty overwhelmed.

JB said...

I think they said the foot was 15 cm long.

Pat said...

Wow, what amazing pictures! I can't for the life of me figure out the "face" pic though. It must be like those positive/negative pictures you see sometimes. I just can't find my little grandchild in there! Keep the pictures coming!