Bill Moyers interviewed Russ Feingold this week. It was a perfect storm of people I admire on TV. I nearly swooned!!! swooned I tell you!!
Bill is by far my favorite journalist and Russ is by very, very far my favorite politician. I have extolled the virtues of Bill Moyers ad nauseum, so I will briefly talk about why Russ Feingold is so awesome. 1) He is not a warmonger, like all in the Bush administration and most in congress. 2) He was the only senator to vote against the Patriot act. Proving his both his huge cajones and his commitment to protecting out civil liberties. Because as he said on the floor of the senate... "Preserving our freedom is one of the main reasons that we are now engaged in this new war on terrorism. We will lose that war without firing a shot if we sacrifice the liberties of the American people." So many people dont get that, and it infuriates me! Russ gets it. Sometimes I think only Russ and Ron Paul (strange bedfellows indeed) get it. 3) He understands that the US cannot survive on a service based economy. We need to make things. By washing each other's dirty laundry no new money comes into the system. We need to make some goods to be economically viable. Here is a quote from the interview.
SENATOR RUSS FEINGOLD: I can't imagine a strong economy in this country if we're not making automobiles in this country. We are not going to make it if we let the rest of the world make the real things that people make with their hands.
If we're going to have everything based on services and funny money on Wall Street, as opposed to the ability of people to have good paying jobs back in the home towns, in places like Wisconsin and Illinois and Michigan — if we're going to have that kind of economy, we are going to be subject to the whims of the rest of the world. We will not have an economy that protects the American worker. And this follows on, of course, these trade agreements, all of which I voted against.
I voted against NAFTA. I voted against GATT. I voted against most favored nation status for China. Because all these decisions are basically calculated to move jobs overseas for the benefits of large companies. And in fact, it has been devastating to the working people in my home town and my home state.
4) he is for limiting the power of the president not expanding it 5) he is a friend of the environment.
I could go on and on, but for the sake of not boring everyone to death I won't. Long story short, there are many politicians that possess some of these attributes, but very few (perhaps only 1) that has all of them. You can find a link to the transcript here, but the video will be on the website later.
Bill is by far my favorite journalist and Russ is by very, very far my favorite politician. I have extolled the virtues of Bill Moyers ad nauseum, so I will briefly talk about why Russ Feingold is so awesome. 1) He is not a warmonger, like all in the Bush administration and most in congress. 2) He was the only senator to vote against the Patriot act. Proving his both his huge cajones and his commitment to protecting out civil liberties. Because as he said on the floor of the senate... "Preserving our freedom is one of the main reasons that we are now engaged in this new war on terrorism. We will lose that war without firing a shot if we sacrifice the liberties of the American people." So many people dont get that, and it infuriates me! Russ gets it. Sometimes I think only Russ and Ron Paul (strange bedfellows indeed) get it. 3) He understands that the US cannot survive on a service based economy. We need to make things. By washing each other's dirty laundry no new money comes into the system. We need to make some goods to be economically viable. Here is a quote from the interview.
SENATOR RUSS FEINGOLD: I can't imagine a strong economy in this country if we're not making automobiles in this country. We are not going to make it if we let the rest of the world make the real things that people make with their hands.
If we're going to have everything based on services and funny money on Wall Street, as opposed to the ability of people to have good paying jobs back in the home towns, in places like Wisconsin and Illinois and Michigan — if we're going to have that kind of economy, we are going to be subject to the whims of the rest of the world. We will not have an economy that protects the American worker. And this follows on, of course, these trade agreements, all of which I voted against.
I voted against NAFTA. I voted against GATT. I voted against most favored nation status for China. Because all these decisions are basically calculated to move jobs overseas for the benefits of large companies. And in fact, it has been devastating to the working people in my home town and my home state.
4) he is for limiting the power of the president not expanding it 5) he is a friend of the environment.
I could go on and on, but for the sake of not boring everyone to death I won't. Long story short, there are many politicians that possess some of these attributes, but very few (perhaps only 1) that has all of them. You can find a link to the transcript here, but the video will be on the website later.
Basically he is the best of all worlds, financially responsible, against government intrusion, yet socially progressive, and against corruption and corporatism. Although I dont think there is anymore room in Obama's new cabinet with all the Washington insiders, Ex-Clinton era insiders, and people that he beat in the primaries, if there was any room left I think Russ should get an appointment.. preferably to President, (but I dont think Obama can do that).
I am still star-struck from shaking the man's hand at Cafe Continental. (even if I ended up barfing that night. damn endangered patagonian toothfish.)
I was wondering if you might post about this interview. It was like a perfect storm for you. Rusty is the best political official, hands down.
"Ole Rusty Feingold will help us."
"Rusty Feingold, you sonofabitch, I love you."
It does have a nice ring to it. I think he should officially change his name to Rusty.
then he could wear you Taco Johns name tag.
Another thing I like about him (from wikipedia) "Sen. Feingold's 2003 income tax return showed two home mortgages and ownership of an $8,000 1998 Buick" Can you imagine Hillary or McCain driving a 98 Buick? Just reading the wikipedia article almost made me swoon again! I cannot believe that there is a politician that I agree with on nearly every issue, I didnt think it was possible.... He is not a politician, but truely a public servant.
I watched this last night while I was resting my eyes. I'll watch it again; I live in Wisconsin! The parts that did register were super, and I'm with Jack: people ask me how I describe my political leanings... Wisconsin Progressive!
Thats it, I am changing my facebook political views to "Wisconsin Progressive"
"Wisconsin Progressive" the facebook movement started here!
I'm down with the Wisconsin Progressive Facebook movement.
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