I am getting so tired of these fat cats...

Also, there have been riots in Greece for the past 2 weeks. The riots started when a cop shot a teenager. The riots are spreading across Europe also. There is civil unrest in the air. You wouldn't know about these growing riots by watching the news here as our national morbid obsession with Caylee Anthony is the top story on every "news" website.
Can you imagine anyone in America rioting if a cop shot a teenager, no matter how flagrant? We would see it on the news and go "tisk tisk, They should fire that cop!!" Then settle back down on the couch for a night of House, CSI: Miami, or in my case Family Guy... I think some civil unrest is a good thing. In America, we only get excited and trample people in this country for 30% off a big screen TV at Wal-mart. The daily indignities, corruption, law breaking, and malfeasance by our government officials, peace officers, and financial overlords aren't enough to get more than a disapproving nod. Sure the Greek youth anger may be misplaced and dangerous, but it is genuine and signifies anything but apathy (our main problem), at least they have a pulse.
You had me at "malfeasance."
OH I am just getting started yelling into the wind.. you just wait.
I was so sure the post was about how you have started to dislike your lazy cats that I didn't understand the post the first time I read it. I followed the link on "these fat cats" and now it makes sense, and as a result sadness has been converted to rage!
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