Wednesday, May 13, 2009


"Ever since he was released from Guantanamo in February after six years of due-process-less detention and brutal torture. Binyam Mohamed has been attempting to obtain justice for what was done to him. But his torturers have been continuously protected, and Mohamed's quest for a day in court repeatedly thwarted, by one individual: Barack Obama. Today, there is new and graphic evidence of just how far the Obama administration is going to prevent evidence of the Bush administration's torture program from becoming public." --Glen Greenwald Blog...

Quite despicably, we are threatening to withhold intelligence information about terrorists that could attack British citizens in exchange for silence about the torture and detention of this innocent man. Way to distinguish yourself from your predecessor Obama...

Update: Great quote from todays GG blog (acual quote is from this Andrew Sullivan article):

Slowly but surely, Obama is owning the cover-up of his predecessors' war crimes. But covering up war crimes, refusing to prosecute them, promoting those associated with them, and suppressing evidence of them are themselves violations of Geneva and the UN Convention. So Cheney begins to successfully coopt his successor. . .

1 comment:

JB said...

I am continuing my ranting here so only interested parties can read at their leisure... More politics free posts to come soon... anyway, Nancy Pelosi was acting like a 12 year old trying to lie her way out of a spanking at her "the CIA lied to me" press conference. This is old news by the way, she is either complicant or incompetent, I dont see another interpretation, how could everyone in the blogospher know about the turture for years, and it is news to her now? It is her f@#$ing job to know... Anyway, The press wants to spin the torture issue as left vs right... but it is actually the "I believe in the USA and want to fix its reputation and restore the rule of law, regardless of partyline" people vs. "I live in a banana republic that tortures people and imprisons people indefinitely" people. Since when has torturing people been a core conservative value by the way? but I digress... About Obama concealing the "new" torture photos... way to go with that new era of transparency... I think the government should keep all the bad stuff they do secret... that seems like a good idea... I got a better one, we need a transparent government so things like Abu Ghraib dont happen again! We need outrage about things like that because it is outragous. When anything the government does that is illegal can be concealed, for the sake of safety, a lot of stuff is going to get concealed and there is no incentive to do what is legal in the first place.
More eloquently put from GG: "Obama and his military commanders decide when it's best that we're kept in the dark, and I'm thankful when they keep from me things that reflect poorly on my government because I trust them to decide what I should and should not know."