Wednesday, September 24, 2008

I just have to get this out...

I am so pissed about this bailout... $2333 from every man woman and child in this US to pay to fat cats, greedmongers, swindlers, and utterly utterly terrible businessmen. I for one can think of a few things I would like to do with that money. No.... we wont have a great depression without this money. This money only buys time (at a horrible cost) for an INEVITABLE market correction. They are using fear to extort money from us.... it is economic terrorism plain and simple. Spending within ones means needs to happen both on the micro and macro level. We havent spend within our means in this country on any level in decades. Did anyone honestly think at the national debt and horrible lending practices would never come back to bite us on the ass?

Mark my words, this is a turning point in American history. The egregious abuses of our government against its own people are reaching a boiling point. How long will we sit and take it? Can anyone honestly say that either party is working for the people anymore... without laughing? I used to think that the lesser of 2 evils was a way to go, but there comes a time when you have to open your eyes and say.. how about no evils? Can we try that our for a while? Our government is an artificial institution created by the people and can (and in my opinion should) be changed or removed by the people. We give them their authority, and we can take it back. The system is broken. No one in congress (except Ron Paul) is talking about NOT giving these guys a bailout. What choice do we honestly have when 7% of America supports the bailout, yet both Parties support it? What kind of democracy do we live in?

If you want to socailize the whole country..go ahead... I am fine with that, I could care less.. I guarantee you executives wouldnt get gazillion dollar salaries in that system, and there might be more oversight (more than zero) . What I cannot stand is everyone else paying for the failings of your business, but you just get to walk away with the cash in the good times.

Remember how Lehman Bros. didnt get bailed out and AIG did.. it was because Lehman Brothers was not deemed important enough to save... Essentially Lehman Brothers were penalized for being too little of a F*#k up!! AIG is rewarded for f*!#ing up so much they shake the foundations of the economy! We are truly in crazyland.

This wont help.. but I went to them anyway because there is nothing else I can do.

"The very people who have spent the past several years assuring us that the economy is fundamentally sound, and who themselves foolishly cheered the extension of all these novel kinds of mortgages, are the ones who now claim to be the experts who will restore prosperity! Just how spectacularly wrong, how utterly without a clue, does someone have to be before his expert status is called into question?" -Ron Paul


Rachel and Russell said...

Jack, make a downpayment now on a parachute house in belize, before you can't get a loan.

dwstaple said...

Well said JB.

~Bananas! said...

Feingold voted against it... As unsure as I am, I think I may be switching over to your side. Although, it is a tough call. As Kristoff points out in a recent article,

this already happened in Japan. Bernanke is an expert on the Japanese slump, and from what I've read, this sort of bank cleaning bailout was what should have been done. So I'm still undecided. But damn, how can I not support my homies JB and Feingold?!