Can you believe this guy is still around? How much of a crazy bastard do you have to be to go about your business like nothing happened after damning evidence of your obvious corruption has been exposed? Speaking of megalomaniacs, has anyone seen this?

I dont think politicians should be allowed to hold public office.
Speaking of idiots.. GW is going on a press junket lately to try to soften up his image as a warmonger/idiot/worst president ever. Good luck with that! Unfortunately for GWB this means that he will have to answer actual questions, and with all these interviews someone in the press is bound to stumble on a good accountability question....
Here is a quote from an ABC interview (that I saw on Bill Moyers).
Bush: One of the major theaters against al Qaeda turns out to have been Iraq. This is where al Qaeda said they were going to take their stand. This is where al Qaeda was hoping to take ...
Raddatz: But not until after the U.S. invaded.
Bush: Yeah, that's right. So what?
Bush: Yeah, that's right. So what?
So... Basically, Bush is claiming how well we are doing against al Qaeda in Iraq will be listed among the accomplishments of his administration...a feather in his cap if you will.... A reporter actually calls out his BS and says, there was no al Qaeda in Iraq before Saddam.. and our invasion created these new terrorists... and his response.... So what.
Genius... pure genius. You can't argue with that. Its like a firemen starting fires around town and putting them out and patting themselves on the back about it. What a legacy indeed!
1 comment:
wow, that was an awesome post (and I'm not joking). I should check my own blog more often ;)
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