Jack figured if this sling couldn't hold Bunny we couldn't use it on our child....

Priscilla had to make sure the car seat was comfortable enough for the baby....

and last night we decided to put up the Pack-N-Play ... we plan to use it as a bassinette after the baby comes home.

There were more moments of cursing during the evening than I've heard come from Jack's mouth, I think, ever. He literally would have liked to throw it in the road and back over it with his car...of course the Metro wouldn't have stood a chance, so we persevered. Thank god we found a You Tube video on how to put it together. Many thanks to "KDARC", a helpful Michigan woman who made this video. It saved our marriage and sanity. While it seems simple enough, in our defense, part of the collapsing mechanism isn't working quite right on ours. You don't have to watch the whole thing, but I love this lady's spunky attitude and cute little accent....
Isn't it a joy? :)
In other news....we found THIS the other day:

And Louie is now in therapy, poor bastard.

Just accept your feelings, Lou.
Exciting! Super cute! Fantastic!
Holy crap those are some funny pictures.
Love between a cat and a dog is not natural. I condemn it (and so does god, btw).
That Michigan woman really knows her Mass Merchants.
Putting together baby devices...you are now entering a world of pain. Just wait until you have to put together a wagon at your in laws house, without the proper tools, and a baby that wants to play with it now, Now, NOW! That is why god invented beer!
Omg! I think that is is SO awesome that you linked my YouTube video to your blog!
Now if I could only get some sort of job making exciting informational videos for people...
I actually made the video for the buyer on eBay. After I had used this for my son I sold it. I had misplaced the manual (of course) and I didn't want to leave the poor person hanging there wondering, "How In the WORLD does this thing WORK!?!?" As you have experienced, it looks really simple and can drive you NUTS at the same time...baby devices...sheesh!
The name is Kara, "KDarc" is short for my maiden name. Kara Darcy. (Now Kara Thompson).
As far as knowing my mass merchants...I needed something to fill the silence. It might be dribble, but better than the quiet hum of the recorder...at least that's what all of the Human Relations, English, Business Communications (ect ect) courses say.
Your little Evelyn is a doll! I'm glad I helped keep the peace for her parents! :)
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