Monday, June 8, 2009

diaper cake

Hey, anyone remember this?

Well, those who were at our Madison shower should...I do believe it was Gus Gus that gave it to Evie. He bought the larger type - like 14-18 pound baby type.

ANYWAY, she is fitting into those diapers! Whoa, yo.

good diapers too, btw. (i think that was something Carol was worried about ;)


emily said...

mmmm...delicious diaper cake.

~Bananas! said...

I assume it's chocolate...

Unknown said...

Whoo hoo! I'm glad they're decent diapers, as I bought them purely because they had frogs on them :) I still have some of those in my coat closet!

Gus will be happy to know the diaper cake was useful-!