Saturday, November 22, 2008

an epidemic of civic ignorance

“It can truly be said that we are suffering from an epidemic of civic ignorance,” Bunting said. “The extent of failure is pervasive, cutting across every segment of the American population."

Check out this article. God we are dumb. Maybe we deserve a horrible government.

-- Only 27 percent of Americans know that the Bill of Rights prohibits the government from establishing an official religion in the U.S.

-- 54 percent do not know that the Constitution gives Congress the power to declare war, not the president.

Politicians are worse than the average American if you can imagine that...

-- Seventy-nine (79) percent of elected officeholders did not know that the Bill of Rights expressly forbids the government establishment of an official religion.

-- A large number (43 percent) of politicians did not know what the Electoral College does.

Is it elitist to suggest that you should have to pass an utterly simple civics test to be able to vote?... Okay, of course it is elitist, quite elitist, but I don't care anymore. If you have no understanding of government, history, or current events, I don't think you should be able to vote period. Why should that person be able to elect officials for people who do know what is going on? I am not talking hard here... I am talking super super easy like ... Who is the current president, the current vice president? Was Saddam Hussein responsible for 9/11? How many states are there? Name a 1st amendment right... anything from of the bill of rights for that matter. Whose side was Japan on in WW2? Which countries border the US? Name a branch of government... any branch..
To be safe, make 50% a passing grade... again, I am not talking hard here whatsoever....
I think this would serve 2 purposes, 1) it would exclude people from voting who don't know what the hell they are doing, which is good for everyone (including the people who failed the test it could be argued) and 2) it would cause people who may be borderline passing, but still want to vote to actually bone up on basic government facts to pass the test. People would have a reason (other than the obvious one) for learning about current events, history, and the government. How does the old expression go?... "If you're not outraged, you're not paying attention." Maybe this would get people to pay attention.


JB said...

and yes I am aware of the irony that the civics test I am proposing is probably illegal (because of the Voters Rights Act of 1965). Nevertheless, I still think its a good idea.

dwstaple said...

I think only land owners should be able to vote.

JB said...

Okay DW, I get your point... I am feeling guilty about this... I am aware of the dispicable history of Jim Crow and literacy tests, As a good liberal I should have a knee jerk reaction and say that everyone has the right to vote regardless of whatever.. The correct answer is to educate the public so these tests wont be needed and we will have an enlightened society... On this issue the realist in me beat up the liberal in me and said this is NEVER going to happen! We are too far gone. Lets take it to the extreme, should the mentally retarded be allowed to vote? They can? Is this good for the country? It is certainly not PC to ask this question, but it is relevant nonetheless.

Rachel and Russell said...

You're losing me on this one jack.

I heard this same argument from a ton of republicans basically saying that African-Americans shouldn't be allowed to vote because they were voting for OBama purely based on race and the polls showed they didn't know much about the issues.

JB said...

That's just racist; it is not the same argument at all. I am being elitist; there is a difference. I dont think it is too much to ask that people who vote know their ass from a hole in the ground. John Stossel has got my back. Watch this.
This one makes fun of this Stossel one..
I am of course playing devil's advocate here, I am not really for voting tests. I just think for God's sake, if you dont know that there are 50 states, do everyone a favor and just stay home.... We just need to get Comedy Central to run a 24 hr Mind of Mencia marathon on voting day, and the problem will take care of itself.

emily said...

It's okay, JB. I agree with you on an idealistic level (although on a practical level, it is plagued with ethical problems and room for corruption). We make people pass rigorous tests to become citizens, tests that almost no Americans could ever pass. Maybe Americans could be required to learn a little something about their own country, as well. But it would have to be required for something more desirable than voting. It would have to be like, "you have to pass this test on civics in order to buy booze or look at the internet".

Roxanne said...

Emily - that is a perfect idea! And it made me laugh like crazy :)