Wednesday, November 5, 2008

out foxed

As I am a glutton for punishment, I checked over at to see what was happening in fair and balanced land... and the lead story on the website was this article

Wow! Can you imagine the bile that must be brimming over in those assclowns. I want to be mad, I want to be disgusted, but I only feel pity for them. Their lives must be so sad and horrid that they feel that they have to tear down anything that doesnt fit their agenda even when it means demeaning our new first lady on election night. How horribly sad. I mean give him and his family a day... an hour... before you unleash your viceral hatred and spew bull shit over the airwaves. No... they couldn't do that, they couldnt leave his family alone for 1 day. nice... Anyone who wants to claim that Fox news has any legitimacy whatsoever, come talk to me I have a bridge to sell you.

1 comment:

dwstaple said...

I've got another bridge they might want: