We are both working this weekend (Rx more than me). I am bored at work. I have to sort a billion or so bacteria with a laser, and it takes a long time. I cant really go far from the FACS machine while it is running, so I am entertaining myself via the series of tubes known as the internet. My desk is fortunately adjacent to the FACS machine so I can listen to music and web surf. On the left are 3 Tshirts from this site that I liked.
Last night we got to grill out for the first time in 9 months... We used the apartment complex grill and made veggies, ribeye steaks and pork ribs. We didn't realize how much we missed grilling. If I had a house I think I would grill every night.
Here is a good article I found. Evidently the president has the authority to "send the military into any U.S. neighborhood, capture a citizen and hold him in prison without charge, indefinitely." That seems reasonable.
hey jack. happy memorial day. grilling every day sounds great but probably isn't a good idea. grilling fills your foods with carcinogens.
We smoke most of our food over asbestos briquettes.
First Nalgene bottles, now grilled food. Two of my favorite things down the tube. I suppose next your going to tell me that frolicking around in ionizing radation is bad for me (my 3rd favorite thing).
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