I apologize in advance for turning this blog away from its original mission (an online repository of louie/cat pictures intermingled with pics of our happenings about town) to a semi-political news blotter as of late. It has obviously had a deleterious effect, according to the comment section our readership is way down. I just couldnt keep my mouth shut about this one though. . .
I read this article about Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Evidently he thinks a "hidden imam" is directing him and Iran. "The Imam Mahdi is in charge of the world and we see his hand directing all the affairs of the country." Wow, what a backwards country Iran must be that their leader actually thinks that a supernatural being has an active role in shaping the policies/decisions/outcome of the nation. Oh wait, I forgot, I live in a country like that too.
George Bush says that God told him to invade Iraq and Afghanistan and he talks to him on a regular basis. So that's great. Both the leaders of these 2 countries have great gazoo's on their shoulders telling them to do things. Hey GW, if God tells you to do something immensely stupid that costs thousands of lives, and weakens our status at home and abroad, and creates new terrorists... maybe it isnt God saying those things.... If it is, it is not a God I want to worship thats for sure.

I also love how this strategy absolves them both of all responsibility for running their respective countries in the crapper. What, you have a problem with the invasion of Iraq and pre-emptive strikes based on faulty intelligence? Well, God told me to do it, so if you are against it, you are against God!
What, you have a problem with me spending millions enriching uranium that will eventually lead to the obliteration of our country even though we sit on a hotbed of natural gas and oil that already meets all our energy needs, and we should be using this money to address the abject poverty and lack of infrastructure? Well, did I tell you that the hidden imam told me to do it?! If you are against it, you are against the hidden imam.
Great, our leaders are interchangable.
It not only rationalizes their actions to themselves (which I am sure they need to do) but to their fanatical base as well.... Wait, did he say he talks to God? Hey, I worship that guy too! I will stop questioning his actions and motives and give him my full support!! Reason and critical thinking were hurting my brain anyway, now I dont have to use it, so that's great!!
The fact that our world leaders do not use reason and logic to make decisions should make everyone ask the question: Why the hell are we allowing this?
Okay, back to Louie pics and travel logs. For now... for now....
I thoroughly enjoy your political rants. If you can't say this kind of stuff in your own blog, then the terrorists have already won. Or maybe it means the neocons, who have eroded the constitution and taken away your civil liberties, have already won. I guess it can be hard to tell them apart sometimes.
I'll let Bright Eyes speak for me. Watch this clip from Leno of one of my favorite musicians singing one of my favorite anger songs. (I'm not sure this is what Leno had in mind).
that was an awesome clip Marta, I had never heard of that guy so when you wrote your post after DW's I thought you were refering to him when you said brighteyes, like that was his nickname...
David "BrightEyes" Staple - yes, I'm pretty sure I heard her call him that once or twice.
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